Sunday, May 31, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

day 3 adi n aida di dublin..!!

posted by Adi again..


fyi, cikaida cuti seminggu for adi's reception.. hu2.. tq2.. so ari ke-3 ni dublin kawan2 cikaida ajak kitorg g jalan umah mereka utk perkenalan n lunch.. oo ok.. umah diorg tu dekat ng DCU.. so boleh la g jenguk2 rupa DCU tu..

jom berjalan.. as usual..jalan kaki..

inilah apartment kami.. huh, berbungkus2.. inikah suasana musim panas @ summer..?

same goes to cikaida.. hu2..

akhirnya, sampai juga encikadi k malas nk tour lg.. sejok!!


day 2 adi n aida in dublin!!


2nd day, briefing utk penyerahan tugas dilakukan. antaranya ialah memasak, mengemas, buang sampah, sopin2 an blablabla..hu2..

so first thing is masak2...

so encikadi kene menggunakan sgala kepakaran memasak yg terpendam tp belum terbukti utk memasak...utk permulaan.. kene masak sayur campur j dulu.. ala kacang je ni..

gmbar di atas adalah crita sebenar.. bukan lakonan OK..

while cikaida bakar ayam..
sedap betul ayam kt dublin ni.. ayam darah sejuk ke??? hik2..

lepas da kenyang harusla exercise.. g ambil angin kt luar la kejap.. kali ni harusla lebih bersedia.. snow cap kene pakai walaupon xd salji ok..

berlatarkan rumah di Dublin ni..

banyak betul bunga.. cantik2..

telefon sini xcantik macam kt UK.. kata cikaida..peace!!

bila da penat berjalan, balik umah harusla menghabiskan ayam tadi... hu2.. sejuk=lapar..

xtau la makin kembang @ kuncup bila balik Msia nnt..hu2


day 1 adi n aida in dublin!!

posted by Adi..

(now cikaida is sleeping..while encikadi is on a jet lag..hu2..kul 2pg xle nk tdo..)

so here i come wif the news from dublin.. the 1st day after arrival day, cikaida bring me to dublin city.. as mention in past previous post.. walking n "bus"ing is the main transport.. hu2.. so kene jalan la kalo nk berjalan... jalan mean guna kaki ok.. hu2.. bila berjalan harusla ade sdikit posing utk menghilangkan penat..

musim summer yang tak berapa panas..sweather must still be wore.. even to bed..

sunglass yang dibeli harusla diguna sepenuhnya..

happy face layan hubby yg baru tiba..

dublin city here i come..

do some sopin2..

Now i know what cool means... it means shivering...


Sunday, May 3, 2009

encikadi in dublin!!

posted by Adi..

not muc can i describe the feeling during the journey.. sad plus excited=neutral..

bergambar ngn adik2 kesayangan..

on the way to the terminal.. KLIA

arrived at Schipol Airport, Amsterdam.,. transit 3 jam..

suhu 9 degree.. leh tahan gak la sejok nye.. kene berpakaian lengkap..

aerlingus flight to dublin from amsterdam.. excited??!!! neves!!


bergambar ngn isteri tercinta.. CIKAIDA.. after 4 months..

now..heading back to our apartment in Dublin..



Saturday, May 2, 2009

Welcome to Dublin!!!

Alhamdulillah..after 4months as a single wife..finally this day come!
xsabar nak pg Dublin Airport jap lg.
i really cant sleep lastnite...lots of preparation!!!
last2..i tido kol 4 am..
ni baru kol 7am..i dah terjaga kol 6 tadi..weng2 dah kepala..
tp bila buah hati i dah text td n said..he"s at Amsterdam..oh,im so..adakah i mimpi?

so,i nak bersiap..
wait 4 my nest posting ya!!!!!!

ps/1st thing to do..i want 2 hug him!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

ready to go!!Dublin here i come..

posted by Adi..

all belonging to bring to Ireland are packed accept the laptop..

now here i go.. insyaAllah in 3 years i'll be back to between that period is nondetermined.. please pray for my safe journey as well as the life with my wife in Dublin..

laptop n DSLR thing..

luggage n hand luggage

"Go in couple, back in TRIPLE?"

Just wait n c.. InsyaAllah..

one recitation given by my mum.. u can practise dis also...

"Rabbi Habli Hukman, Wa alhiqni bissolihin"

Maksudnye lebey kurang mcm ni.. "Ya tuhan, ko ketemukanlah aku dengan orang yg soleh walau di mana aku berada.." InsyaAllah


here's my thesis..

posted by Adi..

salam.. here's my thesis binded hard cover to be submitted.. after a long journey finishing my master.. here's the result..alhamdulillah..congratz to me, tribute to my wife and family..n 4 all..