Wednesday, October 14, 2009

PhD and my life..

Kalau dulu perkataan PhD tu i gantong kat meja study masa belajar undergrad kat UKM tu..seriously i want to hv my phd..i want it badly..

But when i hv the chances..ok, i am in my 2nd year PhD now..and i just i strong enuff for this?why i choose this for my life?and so many other 'why' questions come on my mind..

Well..i like my project..seriously it is something exciting and quite 'booming' now for biotech research..but the the problem is just myself..

YaAllah..berikan hambaMu kekuatan, dan mudahkan jalanku..andai ini yg terbaik jalan yg Kau tetapkan bagiku..aamin

ps/i miss my family..i want to hug my mom..


Azizul Azri Mustaffa said...

Salam kenal..Saya Azizul juga sedang study PhD di Denmark..Good luck with your looks like i'm facing the same problem like you..problem with ourselves..we need to be strong to succeed..perlu banyakkan berdoa..

kak ani ict said...

Dengan sokongan Encik Hadi, pasti Aida boleh. Akak doakan dari jauh.

Ahmad Zulfadhli Zulkefli said...

tabahkan hati, cekalkan semangat, teruskan usaha ka... good luck..hehe =)

CIKAIDA said...

azizul>salam..anyway,thx!u bt bidang apa?hope to xchange blog link nanti..

kak ani>thx kak,terharunya..InsyaAllah,smoga dimudahkan semua urusan..aamin

Putra>thx!cekal hati tu..on off tau..bila dah off tu rasa nk blk malaysia!