Kindly find the attached for your notice
@ Dublin
Monday, October 10, 2016
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Cath Kidston Handbag for SALE!!!
Original Cath Kidston Handbag
Price: RM400 including postage
Email me if you are interested to have this bag!
Monday, April 9, 2012
hello again!
fuh fuh fuh..
berhabuk-habuk sudah blog saya!
Alhamdulillah, masih di dublin bersama my hubby and litte Aisyah.
just a quick update.
my little Aisyah is 10 mo! and she already ke sana sini dgn lajunya. memang pantang leka, cepat je hilang. sekejap2 dah panjat bean bag and berdiri dkt meja sambil picit2 laptop.
and me, in a panic situation, i really want to finish all my lab works asap! insyaAllah, bulan 7 kami pulang!
doakan saya ya!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Cosatto Dizzi Daisi

Just to share with you all mommies out there, this supercute pushchair for your little one.
Hubby gave this as my 26th birthday present, by request actually.hehe. I am soooooo happy!
I love orla kiely design, and the daisy pattern on this pushchair almost alike the orla kiely pattern.
This pushchair is super light as well, not only the design that makes me fall in love with this Dizzi Daisi. Will upload the photo of me and aisyah soon!
check out this website for more interesting cute stuff for your baby from Cosatto
happy mommy,
5months old Aisyah

She's very playful and cheeky.
Let's check what exactly she can do by now:
-she recognize ibu and ayah's voice very well, easily distracted masa ibu breastfeed, pantang dengar suara ayah, sibok nak cari mana ayah, dah tgk muka ayah tersengeh nampak gusi.comel.
-can sit in her bumbo seat with a steady head, so skrg kalau ibu and ayah mkn dkt dining table, aisyah pon join sama. ibu makan aisyah pon kena makan sama.kalau x bising!
-sgt bising, ibu xfaham aisyah borak apa, tp aisyah sungguh comel. kalau ibu lambat suap bising, kalau mobile dah stop pusing, bising panggil ibu/ayah tolong turn on balik mobile. bijak.
-can easily roll her body, nomore chnaging table for aisyah!bahaya.
-xsuka ibu baringkan terlentang, nanti sibok nak angkat kpala tinggi2.suka sgt position bediri if ibu pegang.good girl.
-nightime routine...she's the best baby ever.Alhamdulillah.
masa tulis ni, it's 2.15 am in Dublin, both ayah and baby nyenyak tidur, ibu just can't close her eyes yet. Alhamdulillah happy harini, I have a very good news. InsyaAllah semoga urusan PhD dimudahkan.
Have I told you that my journey as a PhD student became more meaningful and I do appreciate every time and opportunity that I have since I have my Aisyah. Just to correct the fact that some people have the wrong judgement about-if you want to have your PhD don't think about having a baby. THEY ARE 100% WRONG.
Anak itu rezeki dari Allah. InsyaAllah.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Aisyah and her milestone

Alhamdulillah,my baby Aisyah is developing well and reach her milestone perfectly.
At the age of 3 month on last 1st August, she can hold her head steady without my support, and can do a mini push up. very cute and most of the time she really enjoy her tummy time, at least she has another busy things to do instead of just stared at her mobile and giggle when she saw the little birdy,moomoo and bunny nonstop spinning. what a beautiful life you have Aisyah. oh not to forget to mention is,we love her beautifulsmile. what a great things about being a parent is to see your precious baby give you a real smile-means she recognize you!
ps-dont you think baby aisyah is adorable and gorgeous people?
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
im a busy mommy

Alhamdulillah, on 1st August Aisyah has turn to 2 time flies, and me after back from pantang, sngt busy and even kdg2 terlupa ada blog.
Aisyah more than 5kg now, and ibu, Alhamdulillah another 9kg! I bet kalau ada kat Msia skrg sah2 xdapek la nak turun2 badan mana dgn dugaan makanan kat Malaysia yg super sedap.
Anyway, selamat berpuasa readers!
We are in summer now, so 18hours long puasa..but Alhamdulillah, masih kuat and mampu berpuasa dlm ber bf si Aisyah.
Till then, selamat berpuasa again, tingkatkan amal, semoga amalan kita diterimaNya.ameen.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
40days pantang is over
Sunday, July 3, 2011
1 bulan

Semoga anak ibu membesar dgn sihat and happy.
Dah umur 1 bulan Aisyah dah pandai gerak2 jari, pandai garu2 leher ayah bila ayah sangkot dkt bahu (ayah sila pakai baju bila sangkot aisyah!), dah pandai main dkt playmat--responds to the colorful toys and rattle, and especially suka cermin. bila ibu and ayah nak buat kerja skejap2 dah boleh tinggalkan aisyah dkt playmat. tapi Aisyah mmgxbnyk ragam, Alhamdulillah mudah sgt jaga Aisyah. bersyukur sgt....
oh, utk umur 1 bulan, ibu hadiahkan aisyah mainan baru and baby mobile. tunggu lg seminggu ye syg, ibukan dlm pantang so semuanya shopping online. tapi ayah kata sebenarnya ibu yg nak sgt benda2 tu..haha,mmg pon sbb comel sgt mcmana ibu xnak beli ;p
Happy 1 month old Aisyah.
Ibu and ayah sayang Aisyah!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
overweight dilemma!!!
no more size 10 jeans..size 10 masih bersyukur, dah berjaya turunkan 14kg within 21weeks after bersalin.
masih dlm dilema sbb hari2 masih pakai pyjamas..oh sgt rupa xsemenggah mana,xsuka..with the jelly belly..haha.tq to hubby, kita dah pakai t-shirt same size kan.wah, wardrobe cikaida mmg kemas, sbb xada baju yg dia boleh tarik and nak pakai. dlm pada tu,masih ada hati nk try baju2 lama, haruslah terlekat kat peha, ada yg berjaya dibutang...tlekat sana sini, ala xsuka.
tp bila tgk aisyah syg, dah xjadi nk stress. sbb aisyah kuat minum. so ibu yakin breastfeeding akan tolong ibu kurus, dulu kurus ke.ala perasan...hihi.
my pantang routine:
between 7-8am: herbalife F1 (I hv stop teamix, sbb ada cafein kan..ksian aisyah).mmg sgt sgt sgt percaya dgn HL,sbb everyday nombor dkt scale berkurang..and kurang.Alhamdulillah.
9am:makan jamu2 and sgala2 supplement lain (sj nak share, dr dulu amik Bidadari, sgt percaya dgn kesannya)
between 12-1pm:lunch (nasi sikit,ada sayur,ada ikan/ayam/daging, buah) sgt la bertuah pantang dkt sini, sbb dugaan makanan nya xada langsong!!!so masih percaya tanpa dugaan ini,akan berjaya kuros.heeee.
7-8pm:dinner (selalunya sgt cincai..mcm toast/oats/cereals and mug of horlics drink)
OK, ini routine pantang saya. rasa boleh kurus ke tidak ni.another 13 kgs to go!!!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Aisyah is 2 weeks old!
Monday, June 6, 2011
She's here!!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
2 days
2 days?
rasa baru semalam tahu pregnant.
oh rupa-rupanya lagi 2hari!
Didoakan dimudahkan semua urusan.
rasa baru semalam tahu pregnant.
oh rupa-rupanya lagi 2hari!
Didoakan dimudahkan semua urusan.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
counting days
Friday, April 29, 2011
ok meluat benci benci benci baca online news from malaysia.
stress jap.sorry.
*kalau dah bodoh jgnla tunjuk kat org yg awk bodoh.
stress jap.sorry.
*kalau dah bodoh jgnla tunjuk kat org yg awk bodoh.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
baby softies
Thursday, April 14, 2011
mainan anak-anak

lamaze playgym..very cute and rasa nk bukak skrg n golek2 dulu b4 baby keluar.
baby belom pon keluar, ibunya dah excited beli mainan.
everytime o9 wajib tsangkot dkt amazon and cari brg baby. seronoknya.
im 50% busy with student life and 50% busy with preparation for myself and baby.
thx to hubby bnyk sgt tolong.
love u!
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