Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sopin bantal..

yesterday adi n cikaida and sisters went to Alamanda tu buy some gift for adi's sister's dorm mate at her school. Imagine that we bought 25 'bantal' or pillow for her cost 18.90 each..

Adi n Cikaida carrying the pillows..

Adi n youngest sister
all the plastic bags containing pillows..

wa.. even the cashier don't count the number of pillow.. just ask us how much it is..
haha.. cute story.. daaa..


mummy78 said...

bile gi sopin nih? mcm pakai baju pagi ni je cikaida nih? ke x mandi?

dd dudu said...

hee musti org2 kat carefour tu tgk2 kann cam byk bantal beli ;p