Friday, March 13, 2009

Honda City Arrived,,

salam..yesterday night,.12/3/09.. a brand new honda city join the parking in my house..actually, encikadi's father's house.. with a plate num WSJxxxx, mean the latest plate number.. it arrived safely... ketibaan kete ni disambut ngn air surah Yasin hasil bacaan satu family.. then siram..mintak berkat, jauh dari segala kecelakaan.. iAllah..

so 1st task for this car..amik encikadi's yonger sister in encikadi has been given a chance to rasmikan kete. ni..

the honda city official driver.. for my family only ok..!!
next.. JB here we come.. balik kampung..Benut- encikadi's father's kampung.. Driver?? encikadi's problem..

next place to go..amik encikadi's another sis.. Klang,. wait for us ok..!!


Nurmala Mazlan said...

hehehhe...well plan nampak..nak berbesan ek?? ekekeke~~ kena pastinan baby kita berlainan jantina lah nanti..

eh..aritu akak dah bg address akak kat aida kan??

AyuArjuna BiGoshh said...

woiii adi...ahaks...lawanya keta baru ...aceh kem salam kat aida yekkk