Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cosatto Dizzi Daisi

Just to share with you all mommies out there, this supercute pushchair for your little one.

Hubby gave this as my 26th birthday present, by request actually.hehe. I am soooooo happy!
I love orla kiely design, and the daisy pattern on this pushchair almost alike the orla kiely pattern.

This pushchair is super light as well, not only the design that makes me fall in love with this Dizzi Daisi. Will upload the photo of me and aisyah soon!

check out this website for more interesting cute stuff for your baby from Cosatto

happy mommy,

5months old Aisyah

Alhamdulillah, my little sweetheart is 5months old on 1stNov.
She's very playful and cheeky.

Let's check what exactly she can do by now:
-she recognize ibu and ayah's voice very well, easily distracted masa ibu breastfeed, pantang dengar suara ayah, sibok nak cari mana ayah, dah tgk muka ayah tersengeh nampak gusi.comel.
-can sit in her bumbo seat with a steady head, so skrg kalau ibu and ayah mkn dkt dining table, aisyah pon join sama. ibu makan aisyah pon kena makan sama.kalau x bising!
-sgt bising, ibu xfaham aisyah borak apa, tp aisyah sungguh comel. kalau ibu lambat suap bising, kalau mobile dah stop pusing, bising panggil ibu/ayah tolong turn on balik mobile. bijak.
-can easily roll her body, nomore chnaging table for aisyah!bahaya.
-xsuka ibu baringkan terlentang, nanti sibok nak angkat kpala tinggi2.suka sgt position bediri if ibu pegang.good girl.
-nightime routine...she's the best baby ever.Alhamdulillah.

masa tulis ni, it's 2.15 am in Dublin, both ayah and baby nyenyak tidur, ibu just can't close her eyes yet. Alhamdulillah happy harini, I have a very good news. InsyaAllah semoga urusan PhD dimudahkan.

Have I told you that my journey as a PhD student became more meaningful and I do appreciate every time and opportunity that I have since I have my Aisyah. Just to correct the fact that some people have the wrong judgement about-if you want to have your PhD don't think about having a baby. THEY ARE 100% WRONG.

Anak itu rezeki dari Allah. InsyaAllah.