Thursday, April 9, 2009

Alhamdulillah Selesai Viva!!

alhamdulillah, encikadi has finished the viva for master project today.. alhamdulillah, selesai.. thing going up very well.. so next thing will be my final exam for the last master subject which will be held on 18hb.. writing thesis is 85% done.. jurnal is still in progress.. iAllah, 1th of may, enckadi will depart to dublin.. pray for me kay.. cayok2..!!

my fren anuar is presenting.. i forgot to ask my fren to snap my pics..hi2..



CIKAIDA said...

insyaallah abg..
moga dmudahkan urusan n prancangan kita..

Nurmala Mazlan said...

Tlg aminkan cik aida punya doa jer..