Thursday, April 23, 2009

beli komputer lg??

posted by Adi..

isk2.. asik sopin je.. byk tul fulus ni..xla.. my bro nk belikan desktop PC utk adik ipar kt Johor.. so die suh i belikan.. so since i da bese beli komputer kt mines ni.. so xd mslh la..g j la beli.. so survey punye survey, las2 da decide nk customize own specs for the PC..

my bro: bajet rm2000, pandai2 la..
encikadi: 2000? hum cukup x ek?? okla bisa diatur..

humm.. ape yg leh dpt ngan rm2000 ni..lama da xbeli desktop ni.. neway g survey la.. kira punye kira, dapat la desktop arga 1300+- untuk CPU n LCD.. tp nk beli printer lg, antivirus lg..

so ni i nk share specs yg dpt dbeli ngn arga 1300

intel duo core processor
2 gb ddr2 ram
160gb hard disk
mouse n keyboard
20" LCD Acer.. besar tu..
n lain2 yg standard...

hum, tp mcm xcomplete la..sebab mesti nk main game punye.. so upgrade la graphic card.. Asus 512 mb graphic card..rm300 tu.. so da 1600.. still under bajet.. campur printer 105, HP printer, n antivirus bit defender single user for rm45.. so total up, lepas mintak diskaun lg, dpt la rm1760. ok la jgk..specs ok..

tp xd windows OS..

but since i got the original windows, so i tlg install la pc ni.. dpt upah my bro bagi.. hum sonok gak dpt duit ni..wlupon sket je.. so complete instalation cost me 2 hours jgk nk complete install ni,.

so here it is, the products..

all black.. besar kan screen die.. dasat2.. murah je skrg.. 20" leh dpt ngn harga rm420.. murah betol skrg ni...

mission accomplish..


p/s kalo ade sape2 nk consultation utk laptop or PC, bgtaw la..i'll help for FOC

1 comment:

Y@ZeD@ said...

nak kirim gak leh? huhuuu...